Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So we are on our way to the fireworks in Dublin on Saturday night. I had just fed Ethan at home before we left.

Since we were in a hurry (as usual) to get out the door, we forgot baby food. We stopped by McDonalds to grab ourselves a quick dinner before picking up my husband's grandmother on the way to the fireworks. Well Ethan started getting upset and was obviously still hungry.

I decided it was OK to give him some of my fries to pacify him until we could get food later. Well, my husband had a fit. He was not happy at all. I guess my thought was “well, it's just a little bit and he'll soon be asking for McDonalds himself”. So why not??

Let me know what you think.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate??

My husband and I, for the most part, agree on how we want to raise our son. We do, however, encounter moments when we don't agree on certain things. One of our biggest battles is whether or not to vaccinate our 11 1/2 month old son.

My husband is against vaccinations, whereas, I am in agreement with the doctors and am pro-vaccines. There are pros and cons for both sides, but at the end of the day, I believe Ethan is safer taking the vaccinations he needs to prevent him from getting any fatal diseases. This to me far outweighs a slight chance of getting autism by getting vaccinated.

I've been referred by some co-workers who are medical professionals to not believe everything you read or hear about. One reliable resource they recommended it the Center for Disease Control.

Let me know what you think.