Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So we are on our way to the fireworks in Dublin on Saturday night. I had just fed Ethan at home before we left.

Since we were in a hurry (as usual) to get out the door, we forgot baby food. We stopped by McDonalds to grab ourselves a quick dinner before picking up my husband's grandmother on the way to the fireworks. Well Ethan started getting upset and was obviously still hungry.

I decided it was OK to give him some of my fries to pacify him until we could get food later. Well, my husband had a fit. He was not happy at all. I guess my thought was “well, it's just a little bit and he'll soon be asking for McDonalds himself”. So why not??

Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Listen i am a big believer in all natural and all healthy...but french fries are a must!!!
Just make sure the rest of his day is a good one. Snacks and "treats" are ok as long as he eats good most of the time. Relax Brent! Unless he's gonna be the au-natural cook at your house, HA!!! I love french fries!!!!

Tiffany Morisue said...

I so agree with you, Merry! I've been in similar situations and have handled them similarly....

In raising our kids (I have three, ages 22 years, 35 months, and 20 months), the balance comes with compromise. There are some things that you just cannot give in to (e.g., issues like smoking and drugs) and others where there's room for compromise (e.g., ice cream even after a little one's behavior was less than exemplary). Anyway, an occasional Happy Meal is not going to cause your little one a nutritional deficit and will bring you peace in hurried, stressful situations. :-)

Anonymous said...

At his age I would side more with Brent. I remember putting off Jenna having her first "Happy Meal" as long as I could. I think I finally caved when she was around a year and a half.

Now, it's not the greatest choice, but she eats more fast food than I care to admit...and she is doing just fine : )

In your situation though, I would have given Ethan the French Fries too! A hungry, crying baby is not good and if that is what was available and he was able to handle eating them...let there be French Fries!

brent said...

Am I the only one who saw Supersize Me? “Fries are Forever”. That worries me what those things do to my intestines, let alone what it does to a Baby’s newly formed insides! I have the choice if I want to screw my body up, but the baby can’t make that decision himself. I gave Ethan a Banana & some Bread instead. I don’t think He would miss the fries if he never had them. I just wonder what he is fed when I am not around. I am always battling relatives who want to give him Soda pop, French Fries, Aspartame sugars, etc. Is this not an important time when we should be teaching him the habits that will last the rest of his life??

Anonymous said...

Oh Brent, I do totally agree. I did see Supersize me and didn't eat McDonalds for 8 months after! Its gonna happen. You can't always be prepared for the moment. And YOU guys can't eat McDonalds infront of him either. Wait till he gets in school or start socializing. EVERYONE is out to ruin your kid! And they do. It sucks. School is the worst. And poor Auggie with his food allergies... no one cares unless your gonna die from peanuts. Do all you can now. My dad refuses to follow my rules...takes them to Chuck E Cheese and all! All you can do is fight or send food with them.
Our school couldn't stop Auggie from getting what he wanted and not allowed to have. I signed paper after paper, still gives it to him. I could SUE!
My best advice is to introduce all the healthy foods you can and keep the treats as treats after all the good foods have been ate. This our policy. AND ou can't have the stuff at home. This is where he will learn ALL his habits. So no McDonalds for you if he can't have it either. Its tough!!!!
The world is screwed up and McDonalds owns it!

Merry Yee Clark said...

I had a Sausage McMuffin and a hashbrown for breakfast this morning, but only AFTER I dropped Ethan off to daycare :)

Anonymous said...

How funny...Tommy went and got coffee and brought them home some of those too!

lana said...

Thanks guys-after ready this, I couldn' t resist McDonald's for lunch! But, it is YUUMMMYYYYYYY!! And if Ethan were here, I'd share my fries! :o)

Brad S said...

'Supersize Me' changed my drive thru visits from 30 a week to 25.....seriously it is something everyone should see. Indeed the fries are not as good for you as real ones made in front of you. Another reason to visit Kennywood! *marks calendar. The main thing I took away from that film is that you must have a limit. Not something you should have every day. Now when the McRib is here, well, that's different (probably even worse than the fries.....damn them!).