Wednesday, July 8, 2009

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate??

My husband and I, for the most part, agree on how we want to raise our son. We do, however, encounter moments when we don't agree on certain things. One of our biggest battles is whether or not to vaccinate our 11 1/2 month old son.

My husband is against vaccinations, whereas, I am in agreement with the doctors and am pro-vaccines. There are pros and cons for both sides, but at the end of the day, I believe Ethan is safer taking the vaccinations he needs to prevent him from getting any fatal diseases. This to me far outweighs a slight chance of getting autism by getting vaccinated.

I've been referred by some co-workers who are medical professionals to not believe everything you read or hear about. One reliable resource they recommended it the Center for Disease Control.

Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Well we have not vaccinated ours. Aurora had them until 4 months. Immunizations caused nothing but troubles in my opinion. I took in a healthy kid and came out with one that would be sick for weeks. I stopped. Auggie has not had one shot ever. I am strongly against them.

I did MUCH reading on them. You should look into a childs immune system and how much it works and how fragile it is at these young years. This is when i decided no more. There is always later in life that you can choose to vaccinate. Hell nobody says a thing till school. So you could even wait till then. But by the time she started school I noticed that my kids were ALOT less sick than any of the others. Still to this day, they only miss maybe one or two days of school a year. My goal is to keep their immune systems healthy.

Tommy & I both agree on this, so we really have no arguments here. You know how he loves to go against a system!!!! Plus we are big believers in "we made it all these years wiithout them!" Some how our ancestors did it. God gave you an immune system to heal your self. Just take care of it. Now of course....if the kids had some ridiculously high fever like 105 or something i would treat it more serious. And we would always take our kids to the emergency room if needed. We're not crazy.
Its just never been that bad.

Do you research and do not let big money pharmaceuticals and doctors scare you into anything. Scare is what they do. We switched doctors too. A great one in Dublin if you are having a hard time with your current one. I also recommend looking into Dr Sherri Tenpenny. She's worked with Dr Mercola and is actually from Ohio. She has books and videos out on vaccines and what the CDC does to scare people.

Merry i could go on and on about this subject. I believe in making our own personal choices about our kids' health. Not letting someone else tell me what i have to do. Cuz they aren't going to take responsibilitie when it does go wrong. Knock on wood we have had nothing serious. Nothing I couldn't handle on my own. We also use all natural methods when they do get sick. So far so good. I do practice health eating habits with them also.

Let me know if there's anything i said I could talk about this till I'm out of breath!

Good Luck! its still your choice until thats taken away too!

Tiffany Morisue said...

Though I very much respect those who chose not to vaccinate their kids, I am for vaccinations. Like the average concerned parent, I’ve read a number of articles and watched a number of news stories on this topic and the overwhelming conclusion (from those sources) is that vaccinations do far more good than harm. Based on the articles I’ve read and the news stories I’ve watched (disclaimer – I have not extensively studied this topic!), the harm profiled seemed to be more of a coincidence than a direct result of the vaccinations.

I’m all for “going green,” living healthy, etc. If a holistic, natural approach is effective for something, then I strongly consider it. However, if medical science provides the best (but not necessarily perfect) option or outcome, then I typically go that route first. For things like the common cold, flu, etc, I believe in toughing it out and let the body do what it was designed to do (but of course not letting the illness get severe…..).

My feelings on this are also strongly influenced by the fact that I have no friends or family members who have had problems with vaccines. I have three kids (a young adult and two toddlers) who all have been vaccinated – no problems whatsoever. We did find that our youngest is allergic to Amoxicillin. Obviously we keep a close eye on our kids whenever they take a medication or are vaccinated out of concern over side effects or problems.

Oh, I almost forgot. When I was in grade school, I had a friend who suffered the effects of Polio to include a noticeably distorted body. She had not been vaccinated. Of course, Polio is not a concern today that I'm aware of.

Anonymous said...

My 6 year old has had all of her vaccines thus far and is doing very well. She had no side effects from any of the injections. I am currently pregnant and plan to follow the same course with this baby too. It is a personal preference, and I respect the choice to not vaccinate too.

brent said...

It is a tough decision to decide if we should vaccinate or not to vaccinate. One shot our 12 month old is supposed to get is the Chickenpox vaccine. The pediatrician’s pamphlet tells us that it could cause encephalitis, pneumonia, bacterial infections, & in rare cases even Death. Very Scary stuff. It also mentions that it USED to be a common childhood disease. I don’t think Chickenpox has been totally eradicated or has it? If so, do we need to vaccinate our son? What the pamphlet does not mention is that there is no evidence that these vaccines will remain effective into adulthood. The pamphlet does mention Newborns & “those who are older” develope more serious complications. So basically Chickenpox is an illness that parents used to try to get their children exposed to because it would not seriously harm them, but protect them for the rest of their lives. Now we are vaccinating the children who will probably lose the immunity when they are adults. It is the adults that have the serious complications!!! Has anyone looked at label for the varivax? It contains Human cell tissue. It was taken from aborted fetuses. Do Christians take this vaccine?? Should we let our child get vaccinated with this?

Anonymous said...

Brent, keep reading! They want your money and make no guarantees. Hell could be harmful even! Chicken Pox is only deadly if you already have a sick child. You should never immunize a sick child. Talk to the Dr. about waiting till he starts school. Then you don't have to do as many. Have you sat down and added up the total number of shots a kid "has" to have by school? I can't remember but it ALOT. if you wait it will be ALOT less.
My 3 cent!!!!

brent said...

Thanks April. Is it almost 23 shots before the age of 2 now? My Dad had 2 shots. Could vaccines be related to all the rising numbers of learning disabilities?? The numbers range for children from 800,000 to 8 million. 1 in 150 are getting Autism. This worries me!

Our Doctor does not want us to stray too far from the schedule. They really do not like to even talk about it. I asked 1 nurse about thimerosal & she did not say one word...hmmmmm. I wonder how much they know, but aren't telling us? They usually direct me to the Government websites. Has anyone looked at our current Science Czar lately? I might have to get your Doctors name from Dublin here soon.

I first was aware of vaccine problems from Dr Tenpenny. I have her book & DVD. I have looked at a number of books & heard a lot on the radio. Dr. Len Horowitz has compared the vaccine controversy to "Genocide". I still have a lot more reading to do on the subject. By the time I finish reading Ethan will have had all his shots. Ooops, too late.

Merry Yee Clark said...

Well, Ethan is due to have his one-year vaccinations this Monday, July 27th. So it will be interesting to see if Brent and the pediatrician “duke it out” once again. She did agree to let us postpone the MMR, the one Brent is really worried about. Lately Ethan is hitting his head lightly with his hands. The more I tell him not to, the more he wants to do it. Brent thinks it's a sign of some sort of disorder. I think he is just playing. He usually gives me this smirk right before he does it again. Does anyone else's kid do this???

Merry Yee Clark said...

Well, Ethan had his 12-month vaccinations today—2 of 3 anyways. The pediatrician reiterated the fact that no studies have shown any difference between giving all 3 at once versus giving them separately. If anything, she mentioned that there was more of an effect giving them separately. She let us put off the MMR for a month to put Brent's mind at ease. I still tend to agree with her and not Brent.

Ethan did fine. He screamed as expected, but only for a minute and then he was fine. He is now 18 lbs., 10 ozs. Considering all that eating he's been doing, I expected him to weigh more. Oh, well, good for me. He won't be so heavy to carry!

Anonymous said...

Guys, they can't make you do it. Not yet anyway! My doctor's nurse was a bitch. she really didn't converse with us. The doctor was great though. he was willing to talk and accept my side. He was the one that told me ALOT of kids in Dublin were not vaccinated. My worry was fighting with the schools. So far i have NOT had one incident. The MMR is scary. i just read that a new one is coming that has 5 shots in one!!!! Whatever!!! James Dunnan, Scioto Family Physicians near Tuttle Mall. The kids loved his office waiting room. Its a family practice too. 614-734-1100.

Auggie used to slam his head to the floor. He's had no shots so its probably just a kid thing. I hated when he did it. He would trow himself to the floor. Maybe its just boys...Aurora never did stuff like that.

brent said...

(Thanks for the Dr. Info. April)
Yes, Our Pediatrician told us about the 5 shot vaccine. How can these have less complications than the individuals?? Hmmmmm. Do they have long term study on these things?

Do any of the schools give you a hard time about not Vaccinating? I have heard that you need exemptions to fill out if you want the kids to attend. I guess some schools get money if the kid has them.